Friday, September 24, 2010

Death and All His Friends

Well long time no see.. I've been playing a lot of HoN (Heroes of Newerth) lately as well as watching WAY too much of this, all of which contributes to me not getting enough sleep (as always). I'm really looking forward to this weekend because I've been wanting to start running again and somehow I never find the time during the work week. Hopefully, I'll be more disciplined in the future. yeah. probably not.

i'm not really sure why i'm writing here..just felt the need to scribble something down. oh, plus i like blogs because i don't have to follow standard english and grammer rules. :p

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Artist Spotlight: Keith Kenniff

I ran across Keith Kenniff's music after browsing myspace's music artist-hopping. Apparently he also has a side-project called Mint Julep which did the background music in this Levi's Go Forth commercial about a polo league for inner-city kids.

Great relaxing stuff.


edit: cool cool. Keith Kenniff is also Helios! Mint Julep is composed of him and his wife Holly Kenniff.