Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Since Then

God has a plan...I keep telling myself that...and for good reason too. My step-grandfather has changed his mind once again, and for some reason, I'm glad. It gives me to opportunity to trust God, and bring a conclusion to this see-saw of a emotional roller coaster. Oh don't get me wrong, I love roller coasters! Just not when they are affecting my immediate future.

So my plans of the moment....find another place to live, get a driver's license that isn't expired, don't get in a car wreck before getting previously mentioned driver's license, try not to get fired, and uhm, fill out college applications, which is hard when you don't have any money for application

I have a place to stay though Saturday night and then at this point I'm not sure where I will be. I'm not back in my car just yet, and you would think that by this point I'd be used to it; but it's still a eerie feeling not knowing where you will be sleeping in a few days.

Other news:
My grandmother was in a car accident recently! She's ok, thank God, but the 8-point buck she hit and killed isn't fairing too well...especially after those two rednecks drove up, hopped out of their truck, asked my grandmother if she was ok, then loaded up the buck and took off...yeh...

Also, I made a new friend...he doesn't spell very well, (and I HATE typos), so as his friend I took the opportunity to help him in learning that "therapie" is actually spelled with a "y"...which was all good and well until he posted on my facebook wall, "it's not water therapie, it's water therapy"...since then I've been deluged by friends asking me why I can't spell therapy...oh the things I sacrifice for friendship! ;-)

God has opened up a lot of doors in witnessing to people. Just last night at work, (4pm-12am), I had the opportunity to talk to a man about abortion and why I vote pro-life; a co-worker about evolution/creationism the existence and validity of God, and invited another co-worker to come to church with me next Sunday.

I love my life!