Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Boring Life of Me and Normal

Friday, October 24, 2008
Floor of Bedroom, Twin Oaks

Today was incredibly normal...and strange to say, boring.
I guess I've just gotten used to something life-changing happening everyday. Oh, I'm not complaining, on the contrary, I'm thankful for the monotony right now. But at the moment, I am sitting in a empty house with absolutely nothing to do (besides write this), and hours to keep before I sleep.

Actually now that I think about it, something minor did occur. I was supposed to be paid today. I was also told that the amount (direct deposit) should hit my account late Thursday night. Now normally not such a big deal, right? But after a week of eating mostly popcorn, apples, and peanut butter, I was ready to buy some groceries, but lo and behold, no moola when I checked this morning. Not cool.
So tomorrow morning, I'm going in to work, and I'm gonna demand to know what happened on their end. Haha, ok, not really, I will probably ask politely, but seriously, I need that paycheck. Please, pray for me. I don't know what else God is trying to teach me through this, but I'm learning as fast as possible so that it will be over! ;)

Other things that have occurred in the last few weeks that I forgot to write about...

People, please don't judge before understanding all the facts.
When I first started working at Books-a-million, they had me stocking the shelves with new books. Since I was new, I didn't have a apron or nametag yet. So I looked like just another customer with books browsing the store. I didn't have any control over what books I was stocking, but it was still mortifying when I would walk down the romance/erotica aisle with a full armload of books designated for that section and have elderly ladies tsk tsking at me and mothers quickly guiding their children away from me. I even had one guy mutter something like, "there, but for the grace of God, goes me"...
At the point, I was really wishing for a sign to hang around my neck that said, "I don't read these books", and on the back, "I just work here".

To all my friends, who I do so love, I will be getting a mobile # soon. But not for the reason y'all think. Yes, I do want to talk to y'all, but with two part-time jobs and countless ministry opportunities, my current situation with no cell and no landline isn't working. Plus I've actually had about five mothers (most of them from the childcare at church) ask me if I babysat. Lol, who would have thought it, me, professional babysitter. Btw, does anyone know what the going hourly rate is? I honestly have no idea. The first time I was asked, I made the mistake of telling the lady I would do it for free...
In the past when I babysat, I didn't really pay attention, 'cuz I had no real need for money. I should be getting the # as soon as I get the deposit thing straightened out, so I will be deluged with calls from personal-time starved moms. So please, anyone that babysits, send me a message or leave a comment!

Well, I've written three pages already, so I'm going to close now. But to everyone that has been reading and thinking about me, thank you and hope you've gotten something out of what I have written.

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