Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Secret to Happiness

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Outside Patio/Books-a-million Cafe
Lunch Break

Today was pretty uneventful; I was supposed to be off today, but at about four pm, I got a call from Devon (my manager). She wanted to know if I could come in and close (12am). Normally I would have rather spent a Sat night elsewhere (added into the mix, is Sun morn with the two years olds during the 9:45 and 11:00 services =)), but at this point I am grateful for as many hours as possible.

I have to ask myself a question though, if the only purpose of a job is to sustain life and nothing else, is that not time wasted? Why would one want to spend precious minutes going through the motions merely to survive? Haha, and smart-alecks out there...don't say "to survive". There is more to life that that, and I am right to want more. People should be able to enjoy what they do for a living. But isn't satisfaction derived from contentment? And contentment is often merely a reflection of one's outlook on life. I am happiest when helping people; sometimes I guess, the secret to happiness only requires a different outlook on life.

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